GeneSiC vince il prestigioso premio R&D100 Award for SiC Devices in Grid-connected Solar and Wind Energy Applications

DULLI, VA, July 14, 2011 — R&D Magazine has selected GeneSiC Semiconductor Inc. of Dulles, VA as a recipient of the prestigious 2011 R&D 100 Award for the commercialization of Silicon Carbide devices with high voltage ratings.

GeneSiC Semiconductor Inc, a key innovator in the Silicon Carbide based power devices was honored last week with the announcement that it has been awarded the prestigious 2011 R&D 100 Award. This award recognizes GeneSiC for introducing one of the most significant, newly introduced research and development advances among multiple disciplines during 2010. R&D Magazine recognized GeneSiC’s Ultra-High Voltage SiC Thyristor for its ability to achieve blocking voltages and frequencies never utilized before towards power electronics demonstrations. The voltage ratings of >6.5kV, on-state current rating of 80 A and operating frequencies of >5 kHz are much higher than those previously introduced in the marketplace. These capabilities achieved by GeneSiC’s Thyristors critically enable power electronics researchers to develop grid-tied inverters, Flexible

AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) and High Voltage DC Systems (HVDC). This will allow new inventions and product developments within renewable energy, inverter solari, wind power inverters, and energy storage industries. Dr. Ranbir Singh, President of GeneSiC Semiconductor comented “It is anticipated that large-scale markets in solid-state electrical substations and wind turbine generators will open up after researchers in the power conversion arena will fully realize the benefits of SiC Thyristors. These first generation SiC Thyristors utilize the lowest demonstrated on-state voltage drop and differential on-resistances ever achieved in SiC Thyristors. We intend to release future generations of SiC Thyristors optimized for Gate-controlled Turn Off capability and pulsed power capability and >10kV ratings. As we continue to develop high temperature ultra-high voltage packaging solutions, the present 6.5kV Thyristors are packaged in modules with fully soldered contacts, limited to 150oC junction temperatures.” Since this product was launched in October 2010, GeneSiC has booked orders from multiple customers towards demonstration of advanced power electronics hardware using these Silicon Carbide Thyristors. GeneSiC continues to develop its family of Silicon Carbide Thyristor products. The R&D on early version for power conversion applications were developed through SBIR funding support from US Dept. of Energy. More advanced, Pulsed Power optimized SiC Thyristors are being developed under another SBIR contract with ARDEC, US Army. Using these technical developments, internal investment from GeneSiC and commercial orders from multiple customers, GeneSiC was able to offer these UHV Thyristors as commercial products.

The 49th annual technology competition run by R&D Magazine evaluated entries from various companies and industry players, research organizations and universities around the world. The magazine’s editors and a panel of outside experts served as judges, evaluating each entry in terms of its importance to the world of science and research.

According to R&D Magazine, winning an R&D 100 Award provides a mark of excellence known to industry, government, and academia as proof that the product is one of the most innovative ideas of the year. This award recognizes GeneSiC as a global leader in the creation of technology-based products that make a difference in how we work and live.

Informazioni su GeneSiC Semiconductor, Inc.

GeneSiC è un innovatore in rapida ascesa nell'area dei dispositivi di potenza SiC e ha un forte impegno nello sviluppo del carburo di silicio (SiC) dispositivi basati per: (un) Dispositivi HV-HF SiC per Rete Elettrica, Potenza pulsata e armi a energia diretta; e (b) Dispositivi di potenza SiC ad alta temperatura per attuatori aeronautici ed esplorazione petrolifera. GeneSiC Semiconductor Inc. sviluppa il carburo di silicio (SiC) dispositivi a semiconduttore basati per alte temperature, radiazione, e applicazioni per reti elettriche. Ciò include lo sviluppo di raddrizzatori, FET, dispositivi bipolari e particellare & rivelatori fotonici. GeneSiC ha accesso a un'ampia suite di progettazione di semiconduttori, fabbricazione, strutture di caratterizzazione e test per tali dispositivi. GeneSiC sfrutta la sua competenza di base nella progettazione di dispositivi e processi per sviluppare i migliori dispositivi SiC possibili per i propri clienti. L'azienda si distingue per la fornitura di prodotti di alta qualità che sono specificamente adattati alle esigenze di ogni cliente. GeneSiC ha prime/subappalti dalle principali agenzie governative degli Stati Uniti tra cui ARPA-E, Dipartimento dell'Energia degli Stati Uniti, Marina Militare, DARPA, Dipartimento per la sicurezza interna, Dipartimento del Commercio e altri dipartimenti all'interno del Dipartimento degli Stati Uniti. di Difesa. GeneSiC continua a migliorare rapidamente le attrezzature e l'infrastruttura del personale presso i suoi Dulles, Struttura della Virginia. L'azienda sta assumendo in modo aggressivo personale esperto nella fabbricazione di dispositivi semiconduttori composti, test di semiconduttori e progetti di rivelatori. Ulteriori informazioni sull'azienda e sui suoi prodotti possono essere ottenute chiamando GeneSiC al numero 703-996-8200 o visitando