GeneSiC has introduced GB2X50MPS17-227, GC2X50MPS06-227 and GC2X100MPS06-227; the industry’s highest current rated 650V and 1700V SiC schottky diodes, adding to the existing 1200V SiC schottky diode mini-module portfolio – GB2X50MPS12-227 and GB2X100MPS12-227. These SiC diodes replace silicon-based ultra-fast recovery diodes, enabling engineers to build switching circuits with greater efficiency and higher power density. Applications are expected to include electric vehicle fast chargers, motor drives, transportation power supplies, high power rectification and industrial power supplies.
In addition to the isolated base-plate of the SOT-227 mini-module package, these newly released diodes feature low forward voltage drop, zero forward recovery, zero reverse recovery, low junction capacitance and are rated for a maximum operating temperature of 175°C. GeneSiC’s third generation SiC schottky diode technology provides industry leading avalanche ruggedness and surge current (Ifsm) robustness, combined with high quality automotive qualified 6-inch fabrication and advanced high reliability discrete assembly technology.
These SiC diodes are pin-compatible direct replacements to other diodes available in the SOT-227 (mini-module) package. Benefitting from their lower power losses (cooler operation) and high frequency switching capability, designers can now achieve greater conversion efficiency and greater power density in designs.
About GeneSiC Semiconductor, Inc.
GeneSiC is a fast emerging innovator in the area of SiC power devices and has a strong commitment to the development of Silicon Carbide (SiC) based devices for: (a) HV-HF SiC devices for Power Grid, Pulsed power and Directed Energy Weapons; and (b) High temperature SiC power devices for aircraft actuators and oil exploration. GeneSiC Semiconductor Inc. develops Silicon Carbide (SiC) based semiconductor devices for high temperature, radiation, and power grid applications. This includes development of rectifiers, FETs, bipolar devices as well as particle & photonic detectors. GeneSiC has access to an extensive suite of semiconductor design, fabrication, characterization and testing facilities for such devices. GeneSiC capitalizes on its core competency in device and process design to develop the best possible SiC devices for its customers. The company distinguishes itself by providing high quality products that are specifically tuned to each customer’s requirements. GeneSiC has prime/sub-contracts from major US Government agencies including ARPA-E, US Dept of Energy, Navy, DARPA, Dept of Homeland Security, Dept of Commerce and other departments within the US Dept. of Defense. GeneSiC continues to rapidly enhance the equipment and personnel infrastructure at its Dulles, Virginia facility. The company is aggressively hiring personnel experienced in compound semiconductor device fabrication, semiconductor testing and detector designs. Additional information about the company and its products may be obtained by calling GeneSiC at 703-996-8200 or by visiting